Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Learning C++ Lesson 1

This first lesson will dissect the basic functions of C++, connect you with the required software (Integrated Development Environment or IDE) and will address the many do's and don'ts involved therein.

*NOTE: We are going to be working on the Windows platform. A lot of these things can be incorporated to Mac OS and Linux systems through Code::Blocks.

First things first the IDE, you will need: (all of these programs are free)

What is an IDE, what is Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008 and what is MSDN?

An IDE is a program that contains all of the necessary content that you need to develop your C++ projects. An IDE is needed, there is no way to get around without it.

Microsoft's Visual Studio 2008 is the IDE that we are going to be using for our Windows based C++ programing.

MSDN is basically your help resource while working on Visual Studio. If you do not want to download the program (that automatically attaches itself to Visual Studio) then you can access an online version here: Online MSDN be continued

Learning How To Blog

New to blogging? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

*Always research and post results.


"The word blog is a contraction of "web log", a phrase not so commonly used these days. In the simplest definition of the term, then, a blog is a log of your thoughts, ideas, useful links, photos, videos, or the latest news."
- How To Blog: A Beginner's Blog Publishing Guide

Common Characteristics of a Blog:
  • Posts have a subject header
  • Then it has its content
  • They most usually have comments (most usually?)
  • They quite often have a time and date stamp (I honestly don't think I can help that one)

Why should I blog?
  • There is no single reason, it depends on your motivation.

  • Recognition
  • Employment
  • Revenue
  • and my personal benefit, Remembering things

I am going to stick to using the internet on my laptop, using Mozilla Firefox to keep this blog running. Others may have different options with all the fancy cellphones and 3G applications, I-phones and such.
  • It is up to the blogger to decide what goes into the blog
  • It helps to do research and post references
  • A particular niche, topic, or interest
  • Useful information
A blogger is someone who helps their reader to navigate an infinite, ever growing sea of information.

How can I make my blog stand out?
  • Presentation of content
  • The title of the blog (which right now has nothing to do with what you're reading about)
  • Remember that most people will skim the blog diagonally before deciding to read it or not
  • Chunking: throwing relative topics close together while leaving a space between these 'chunks'
  • Bolding... Bolding, (got that one down)
  • Images are essential

Well, I think that about does it for today. I will let this sink in and hopefully it has been useful for you.